Example : John is a real pig when he eats.
What this sentence is trying to explain is that John is greedy he eats a lot.
In the elephant cartoon it shows how 5 blind men observing an elephant and reflects of what they know For example "A elephant is Like a Empty Oil Pipeline " the blind men is observing the elephants nose and its drained out and empty so he compares it to the oil pipeline .
Another Metaphor is Hyperbole uses an exaggerated or extravagant statement to create a strong emotional response. Hyperbole is frequently used for humor.
A Parable is a short story that's designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious ways, or moral lesson. For Example : "Parable of the Scorpion" The lesson of the parable is that a thing will always act in accordance with its true nature. A snake is a snake, a spider is a spider, a scorpion is a scorpion and a Democrat is a Democrat.
The word "fable" comes from the Latin "fabula" (a "story"), itself derived from "fari" ("to speak") with the -ula suffix that signifies "little": hence, a "little story". A fable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, that features animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature which are anthropomorphizing (given human qualities), and that illustrates a moral lesson
Fire is to ice Cold.
Hot is to Cold.
In the Poems "Joy", "Play" by:For You, A Star . She states "that first blade of grass,the messenger of spring". What the writer is trying to explain is that winter was ending and we started to see grass growing and that meant spring was here for good and winter was gone. Touch them with your finger tip - but there's the barrier of glass. This persons saying that we need to find another way to get to the other side because a barrier is like a fence.
In the personification poem " Natures Chorus "the author says that that cherry trees form a circle but trees can't move how could they form a circle ? The oaks dance just like debutantes an oak is a form of tree and a debutantes is a young women who has reached the age of maturity , and everyone knows they can't dance . The trees usually stay still and grow. Woodpeckers tapping on their trunks woodpeckers don have trunks they use they pointy noses to tap on trees . Listen to the sounds of natures chorus ! What fun it does arouse! This Poem shows how many things happen and how the use of personficatiton is used such as a n creature conceived or figured to represent a thing or abstraction.
e e cummings
This poem is represented in a weird style of writing the letters aren't like the regular way we write things such as in sentences . The presentation is not as we see or use during everyday life. If we were to present these words as in present life it would probably come into a sentence and make more sense to us. Now using these letters into a statement l(aleaffalls)oneliness we can change it to loneliness (a leaf falls) . Loneliness is the root to sadness, he uses the word through a leaf falling to point out that the leaf is with others while alive and on the tree, when the leaf falls it dies showing with loneliness comes death(sadness).
What metaphor(s) fit your life? The metaphors that fits in my life according to Leonard Holmes is [ A Roller Coaster - Life consists of ups and downs, and we are along for the ride. ] I'm guessing probably life will have its ups and downs, but if you hold on tight, you'll have a great time. In life im faced with many challenges, and I can either let them make me or break me. I can get on this "roller coaster" and say I made it too the top and back down or I can walk away an hide.